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Відео передавач Rush 3 3GHz 2W VTX на 16 каналівRush 3.3GHz 2W VTX video transmitter for 16 channels2093 грн - 2386 грнNot available

Video transmitters, or transmitters, are needed to transmit the video signal from the FPV camera to the video receiver via a specific frequency that can be customized. They differ in frequency and power. Power affects the signal range and to a small extent the signal quality. Popular transmitters operate at 5.8 GHz. This frequency provides the optimal signal range and no conflicts with the frequency of radio equipment. The transmitter operates on several channels. Some transmitters, such as the Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO or TrampHV, have a mute and unmute technology that prevents you from interfering with other pilots when you turn on or switch channels. Detailed information about each product is on the product page, payment and delivery information is on the top panel of the site. Delivery in Ukraine.

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