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Video transmitter TBS Unify Pro32 DP 5G8 4.9GHz-6.0GHz HV 3W

Price:2 007 uah with VATPrice in USD:47.95
Brand: TBSSKU 18097
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Out of stockExpected: 25 Мар 2025

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TheTBS Unify Pro32 DP is a video transmitter with a maximum output power of 3W, operating in the 4.99-6.03GHz band. The device provides a stable signal thanks to dual noise protection with an SNR of over 63dBm. Optimized performance and durability thanks to improved heat dissipation, which does not require an additional heatsink or fan. It supports SmartAudio V2.1, which allows you to change settings via Betaflight, TBS Crossfire/Tracer, or Ardupilot. The transmitter supports transmit power from 10mW to 3W, allowing you to customize the signal to suit your needs. Due to its compact size (37*28*10mm) and weight of 8.7g, the video transmitter is easily integrated into FPV systems.






Відео передавач TBS Unify Pro32 DP 5G8 4 9GHz - 6 0GHz HV 3WВідео передавач TBS Unify Pro32 DP 5G8 4 9GHz - 6 0GHz HV 3WВідео передавач TBS Unify Pro32 DP 5G8 4 9GHz - 6 0GHz HV 3WВідео передавач TBS Unify Pro32 DP 5G8 4 9GHz - 6 0GHz HV 3WВідео передавач TBS Unify Pro32 DP 5G8 4 9GHz - 6 0GHz HV 3WВідео передавач TBS Unify Pro32 DP 5G8 4 9GHz - 6 0GHz HV 3WВідео передавач TBS Unify Pro32 DP 5G8 4 9GHz - 6 0GHz HV 3W

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