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ReadyToSky 3.3GHz 4W VTX video transmitter for 16 channels

Price:3 035 uahPrice in USD:72.50


TheReadyToSky 3.3GHz 4W VTX video transmitter delivers high quality video transmission with minimal latency and a new non-standard video streaming radio frequency, which is key for FPV flights. With a frequency range of 3310 to 3495GHz and the ability to select between 16 channels, this transmitter provides flexibility in setup and interference avoidance. The 4W power allows for long-distance transmission without loss of signal quality. The compact size (40x37x13mm) and light weight (22g) make it ideal for mounting on various platforms without any extra load. This video transmitter will be a reliable choice for professionals and enthusiasts who want to get the best video quality during flights.




Channel control: LED (for band A - red, for band B - blue) that will flash from 1 to 8 times to identify the channel.

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Відео передавач ReadyToSky 3 3GHz 4W VTX на 16 каналівВідео передавач ReadyToSky 3 3GHz 4W VTX на 16 каналівВідео передавач ReadyToSky 3 3GHz 4W VTX на 16 каналівВідео передавач ReadyToSky 3 3GHz 4W VTX на 16 каналівВідео передавач ReadyToSky 3 3GHz 4W VTX на 16 каналів

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