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Readytosky 1.2G/1.3G VTX/VRX 800mW video transmitter and receiver for 9 channels

Price:1 884 uahPrice in USD:45.00
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The Readytosky 1.2G/1.3G VTX/VRX 800mW video transmitter and receiver is a 1.2/1.3 GHz version of the long-range FPV system from this manufacturer, which is designed to work in pairs, with 9 working channels. Control is carried out via buttons and light indication. A dipole SMA antenna is included with each module.




Notes on setup and operation


I. Push-button control and LED indicators

1. Green indicator 4 pcs: 0.1 mW (0)/25 mW (D)/200 mW (C)/800 mW (H), default setting is 0.1 mW when the power is on.
Switching to the next power level can be cycled and the corresponding power indicator will flash each time you press and hold the button.
*Note: The transmit power must be adjusted after each power failure.

2 Frequency indicators (9pcs, red color). This operation can be repeated in a cyclical fashion, with each short press on the corresponding frequency point lighting up the indicator.
*Note: The operating system has a memory function, the system will save the current frequency point after a power failure.

II. Selecting the interface

The antenna is SMA interface; the antenna head is "male thread + hole" and the antenna rod is "female thread + pin". The "pin" configuration is a 1.2G special customized "Y" type antenna.
The connection sequence is as follows:
1. power input DC 7-28V;
2. input ground;
3. video input;
4. 6.5M audio input;
5. DC output 7-28 V;
6. DC grounding output;
7. DC output 5V.


I. Push-button control and LED indicators. Frequency indicators (9pcs, red color) - Similar to the transmitter.

II. Interface definition and connection sequence: similar to the transmitter.

III. The reserved 5P contact pads are defined in the following order:
1. power input DC 7-28V;
2. input ground;
3. video input;
4. output DC 5V;
5. DC output ground.

Package contents


Видео передатчик  Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналовВидео передатчик Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналовВидео передатчик Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналовВидео передатчик Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналовВидео передатчик и приемник Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналов комплектацияприемник Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналовприемник Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналовприемник Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналовприемник Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналовприемник Readytosky 1 2G 1 3G VTX VRX 800мВт на 9 каналов комплектация

Reviews and discussions

  • hvyfyfuvhchc15 Июл 2023, 01:29
    Чи є в передавачі irc trump або smart audio?
  • flewerty15 Июл 2023, 01:43
    hvyfyfuvhchc, Ні, не має.
  • rebus74718 Апр 2024, 18:45
    як налаштувати цей VTX через бетафлайт? Можливо, є інструкція як його налаштувати чи шось типу того?
  • cable21 Дек 2024, 22:11

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