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Video transmitter SKYZONE TX2501 CNC 4.9-6.2G 2.5W for 64 channels L/X/S band VTX

Price:1 967 uahPrice in USD:47.00
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SKYZONE TX2501 video transmitter provides stable transmission on 64 channels in the frequency range from 4990GHz to 6184GHz. The CNC-machined metal housing and built-in fan help to avoid overheating. The transmit power is adjustable from 25 to 2500mW, and can reach 3000-3500mW, allowing you to flexibly select the signal strength. The video transmitter supports X Band (5GHz), Low Band and S band, which allows you to use an extended frequency range for signal transmission. The operating voltage range from 9V to 26V ensures stable operation even under variable conditions. Convenient push-button or IRC control, as well as an LED display, help you quickly change settings and monitor the status of the transmitter.



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Відеопередавач SKYZONE TX2501 CNC 4 9G - 6 2G 2 5W на 64 канали L   X   S band VTXВідеопередавач SKYZONE TX2501 CNC 4 9G - 6 2G 2 5W на 64 канали L   X   S band VTXВідеопередавач SKYZONE TX2501 CNC 4 9G - 6 2G 2 5W на 64 канали L   X   S band VTXВідеопередавач SKYZONE TX2501 CNC 4 9G - 6 2G 2 5W на 64 канали L   X   S band VTXВідеопередавач SKYZONE TX2501 CNC 4 9G - 6 2G 2 5W на 64 канали L   X   S band VTXВідеопередавач SKYZONE TX2501 CNC 4 9G - 6 2G 2 5W на 64 канали L   X   S band VTX

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