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FPV Championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 2 in Zaporizhzhya
FPV Championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 2 in Zaporizhzhya
31 Май 2019, 20:44

The second stage of the Ukrainian Drone Racing Championship UADR Challenge 2019 was organized in Zaporizhzhya on the territory of the Motor Sich Sports Complex, as part of the local air festival...

Setting up the Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO 5V, HV, RACE transmitter
Setting up the Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO 5V, HV, RACE transmitter
15 Сен 2016, 00:55

Description of settings of one of the smallest and highest quality transmitters at the moment Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO, HV, 5V, Race. The device has a number of features that are described in this small manual.

Qualification for the World Drone Prix 2016 in Dubai, as well as the rules of the race
Qualification for the World Drone Prix 2016 in Dubai, as well as the rules of the race
9 Фев 2016, 01:43

New video of the colorful track at the Dubai Grand Prix

Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition

11 Июл 2019, 11:56
Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition

⚓️ Come to Odessa on July 27 and 28 for UADR Challenge Stage 4 and take part in quadcopter races!



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