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FPV Championship UADR Challenge 2020 in Kharkov
FPV Championship UADR Challenge 2020 in Kharkov
29 Сен 2020, 22:39

The hopes of the Ukrainian FPV community for another bright and multi-stage season of drone racing in 2020 were thwarted by COVID-19 and pandemic, which led to quarantine and cancelation of mass events and festivals...

UADR Drone Nationals Ukraine 2016, selection for the DroneWorlds 2016 World Championship
UADR Drone Nationals Ukraine 2016, selection for the DroneWorlds 2016 World Championship
6 Окт 2021, 13:16

In the last retrospective article we remembered the very first Ukrainian drone racing championship. Today we want to go back to 2016 again and remember other landmark events of that season...

Video suspension on mini quadcopter 250 class
Video suspension on mini quadcopter 250 class
7 Сен 2015, 21:35

Example of video suspension installation on mini 250 quadcopter with interesting result

Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition

11 Июл 2019, 11:56
Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition

⚓️ Come to Odessa on July 27 and 28 for UADR Challenge Stage 4 and take part in quadcopter races!



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