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Final FPV race in Kropivnitsky UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 5: Airport Riots
Final FPV race in Kropivnitsky UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 5: Airport Riots
10 Окт 2017, 16:27

Kirovograd Flying Academy NAU did not give up hope of hosting the drone racing championship. As a result, the Academy together with UADR decided to hold the 5th final stage of UADR Challenge 2017, directly on the territory of...

Configuring BetaFlight PID via FrSky Taranis radio equipment
Configuring BetaFlight PID via FrSky Taranis radio equipment
15 Дек 2016, 00:49

Great news for all owners of FrSky Taranis radio equipment - you can now customize PID values in BetaFlight via the remote control.

Small FPV quadcopters on 180 frame are in trend
Small FPV quadcopters on 180 frame are in trend
16 Сен 2015, 23:19

The growing popularity of the new 180 frame mini quad size is gaining momentum.

Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition

11 Июл 2019, 11:56
Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition

⚓️ Come to Odessa on July 27 and 28 for UADR Challenge Stage 4 and take part in quadcopter races!



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