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FPV racing in Chernigov UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 1
FPV racing in Chernigov UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 1
10 Май 2017, 22:40

On May 6-7 in the framework of the first Chernihiv Air Festival at the airfield "Pivtsy" was held the first stage of the Ukrainian drone racing championship UADR CHALLENGE 2017 "Chernihiv Drone Racing Cup", in which the Flymod team directly participated.

Caddx Tarsier - the first FPV camera with 4K video recording
Caddx Tarsier - the first FPV camera with 4K video recording
13 Мар 2019, 14:39

Rumor has it that Caddx is developing a new split FPV camera called Tarsier (longspot), which will be the first FPV camera in the world capable of capturing video in 4K resolution...

Unusual illustrations and 3D models from Australian FPV pilot Corey Anderson
Unusual illustrations and 3D models from Australian FPV pilot Corey Anderson
5 Апр 2019, 13:48

Australian FPV pilot Corey "corza" Anderson creates creative drone racing-themed illustrations in the style of 80's comic books, Alien and The Thing movies....

Video explanation of the principle of operation of the collectorless motor

9 Авг 2015, 13:13
Video explanation of the principle of operation of the collectorless motor

This video gives the basic concepts of the principle of operation of collectorless motors, which are often used in RC models.

In RC brushless motors (or brushless motors), the third winding acts as a position sensor (Hall sensor) when it is not energized.

Видео-поясниение принципа работы бесколлекторного мотора


  • briareos8 Ноя 2021, 13:33
    Видео не доступно
  • flewerty8 Ноя 2021, 13:39
    briareos, Обновили

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