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How the Flymod sQUAD team spends the weekend
How the Flymod sQUAD team spends the weekend
20 Май 2021, 13:25

Flymod sQUAD team spent a weekend in early April flying in an abandoned...

Setting up the Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO 5V, HV, RACE transmitter
Setting up the Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO 5V, HV, RACE transmitter
15 Сен 2016, 00:55

Description of settings of one of the smallest and highest quality transmitters at the moment Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO, HV, 5V, Race. The device has a number of features that are described in this small manual.

Drone Photo Awards 2021. Best drone photos and videos
Drone Photo Awards 2021. Best drone photos and videos
29 Сен 2021, 11:44

The winners of the Drone Photo Awards 2021, the most popular international competition for aerial photography from quadcopters, were announced the other day. For the fourth year in a row, the best images taken by drones were chosen.....

Video explanation of the principle of operation of the collectorless motor

9 Авг 2015, 13:13
Video explanation of the principle of operation of the collectorless motor

This video gives the basic concepts of the principle of operation of collectorless motors, which are often used in RC models.

In RC brushless motors (or brushless motors), the third winding acts as a position sensor (Hall sensor) when it is not energized.

Видео-поясниение принципа работы бесколлекторного мотора


  • briareos8 Ноя 2021, 13:33
    Видео не доступно
  • flewerty8 Ноя 2021, 13:39
    briareos, Обновили

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