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Drone Photo Awards 2021. Best drone photos and videos
Drone Photo Awards 2021. Best drone photos and videos
29 Сен 2021, 11:44

The winners of the Drone Photo Awards 2021, the most popular international competition for aerial photography from quadcopters, were announced the other day. For the fourth year in a row, the best images taken by drones were chosen.....

FlyMod at MOYO Drone Fest 2017, "Art Factory Platform"
FlyMod at MOYO Drone Fest 2017,
16 Июн 2017, 22:38

Flymod Squad took part in the competition within MOYO Drone Fest 2017 in Kiev, which gathered under its wing not only quadrocopters and drones, but also various novelties of the world of electronics and gadgets, cyber sports games and consoles....

Boris B also decided to try his hand at the new fancy class on 180mm minis
Boris B also decided to try his hand at the new fancy class on 180mm minis
12 Окт 2015, 23:27

Famous pilot Boris B gave in to fashion and decided to try himself in the new developmental size of 180mm frames.

A British man built a homemade multicopter and flew it into the air

1 Сен 2015, 23:53
A British man built a homemade multicopter and flew it into the air

An inventor from the UK managed to build a super multicopter called The Swarm, which was able to lift himself into the air.

To do this, he used as many as 54 motors and 6 groups of KK2.15 flight controllers to stabilize and coordinate the motion. The propellers used were 18 inches (46cm). The total weight of the design came out to 150 kilograms, the drone can stay in the air for about 10 minutes and lift a weight of 164 kilograms.

The author said that it cost him £6,000 to design the device.

In the video, the creator of the drone managed to rise into the air at 4.5 meters.

Earlier before that, the German company E-Volo had already tried to do something similar:



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