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X-Racer F303 V2.1 Flight Controller

Price:1 208 uahPrice in USD:28.85
SKU 10536
Archival goods

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X-Racer F303 is a flight controller designed specifically for racing quadcopters. It is designed to work quickly and accurately with the pilot's stick movements. While maintaining a traditional form factor for this class of controller, it features a powerful computing system that allows your quadcopter to react instantly to changing environments. This is a controller you can trust. The only possible use for the controller is piloting racing quadcopters, as it doesn't have a barometer or magnetometer.



X-Racer F303 uses Cleanflight, a well-known open source firmware. Thanks to this, you can always find a lot of documentation and tips on how to customize this controller, as well as receive regular updates with new options and bug fixes.

The controller is also compatible with Betaflight firmware, which we recommend using. Whenflashing, select the file'spracingf3.hex'.




Контроллер полета X-Racer F303 V2 1Контроллер полета X-Racer F303 V2 1Контроллер полета X-Racer F303 V2 1  задняя сторона платыКонтроллер полета X-Racer F303 V2 1Контроллер полета X-Racer F303 V2 1

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