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Diatone Taycan C25 MK2 111mm Carbon Plastic Frame

Price:1 423 uahPrice in USD:33.99
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Diatone Taycan C25 MK2 carbon frame with plastic guards for 2.5" propellers for CineWhoop drone assembly. Included with the frame are two pads for installing action cameras like Naked GoPro and Insta360 for video shooting, and they can be installed simultaneously.

The plastic ducks are a single molded skeleton that completely covers and protects the center section of the frame and propellers from damage. The dackeys come in a variety of color designs: blue, pink, purple or white.




diatone taycan c25 mk2 2 5  cinewhoop frame kit Карбоновая пластиковая рамаdiatone taycan c25 mk2 2 5  cinewhoop frame kit Карбоновая пластиковая рама

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