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Drone Photo Awards 2021. Best drone photos and videos
Drone Photo Awards 2021. Best drone photos and videos
29 Сен 2021, 11:44

The winners of the Drone Photo Awards 2021, the most popular international competition for aerial photography from quadcopters, were announced the other day. For the fourth year in a row, the best images taken by drones were chosen.....

Final of drone racing championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 5 in Odessa
Final of drone racing championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 5 in Odessa
6 Окт 2019, 15:14

The final stage of the Ukrainian Drone Racing Championship UADR Challenge 2019 ended on September 27 in the city of Odessa. 2 days of competition again took place at the stadium "Dynamo". The competition was attended by 26 pilots, 8 teams from 7 cities of Ukraine...

FPV race in Kiev UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 3 Re:Race
FPV race in Kiev UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 3 Re:Race
22 Сен 2017, 10:32

As you know, the 3rd stage of UADR Challenge in Malaya Viska was not held on July 1 due to squally wind, so the race was postponed to the end of September. The reboot of the 3rd stage called UADR CHALLENGE 2017 STAGE 3 Re:Race took place on September 16-17 in Kiev.

Qualification for the World Drone Prix 2016 in Dubai, as well as the rules of the race

9 Фев 2016, 01:43
Qualification for the World Drone Prix 2016 in Dubai, as well as the rules of the race

Qualification at the World Drone Prix 2016 race in Dubai . Interesting solution with the illuminated gate for the track.

- Fly 1000 meters or 5.5 laps
- Fly through all gates
- Fly the top gate every next lap
- Make a pit stop (just land on the designated area)


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