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1000W LED on the drone
1000W LED on the drone
19 Окт 2016, 10:12

A small team of enthusiasts from the USA has created one of the most powerful LED lights in the world. Now they show how their development can be used on a regular drone.

Flymod/Creation Freestyle FPV Contest 2020 participant videos and results
Flymod/Creation Freestyle FPV Contest 2020 participant videos and results
20 Окт 2020, 21:42

Flymod store, together with frame developers Creation, on September 21 announced the launch of the first online competition for the best freestyle in Ukraine "Flymod/Creation Freestyle Contest 2020"...

Amazon's drone delivery idea
Amazon's drone delivery idea
9 Дек 2015, 21:35

Famous TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson clearly showed the essence of the principle of delivery of goods by drones from Amazon.

Qualification for the World Drone Prix 2016 in Dubai, as well as the rules of the race

9 Фев 2016, 01:43
Qualification for the World Drone Prix 2016 in Dubai, as well as the rules of the race

Qualification at the World Drone Prix 2016 race in Dubai . Interesting solution with the illuminated gate for the track.

- Fly 1000 meters or 5.5 laps
- Fly through all gates
- Fly the top gate every next lap
- Make a pit stop (just land on the designated area)


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