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Configuring BetaFlight PID via FrSky Taranis radio equipment
Configuring BetaFlight PID via FrSky Taranis radio equipment
15 Дек 2016, 00:49

Great news for all owners of FrSky Taranis radio equipment - you can now customize PID values in BetaFlight via the remote control.

The best drone photos of 2017 at the International Drone Photography Contest
The best drone photos of 2017 at the International Drone Photography Contest
8 Дек 2017, 18:14

Dronestagram, the first social network dedicated to drone aerial photography, is now in its fourth year of a photo contest in partnership with National Geographic.

Caddx Tarsier - the first FPV camera with 4K video recording
Caddx Tarsier - the first FPV camera with 4K video recording
13 Мар 2019, 14:39

Rumor has it that Caddx is developing a new split FPV camera called Tarsier (longspot), which will be the first FPV camera in the world capable of capturing video in 4K resolution...

Video example of acro flight on the ZMR250 quadcopter

1 Авг 2015, 10:34
Video example of acro flight on the ZMR250 quadcopter

In this video pilot Boris B, who is widely known in FPV 250 Racing Class circles , shows a master class on controlling a mini FPV quadcopter on ZMR250 frame in acro mode.

The video shows the work of the sticks, as well as displays the engine speed and position of the quad.


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