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Video example of acro flight on the ZMR250 quadcopter
Video example of acro flight on the ZMR250 quadcopter
1 Авг 2015, 10:34

Example of quadrocopter flight in acro mode by FPV pilot Boris B

1000W LED on the drone
1000W LED on the drone
19 Окт 2016, 10:12

A small team of enthusiasts from the USA has created one of the most powerful LED lights in the world. Now they show how their development can be used on a regular drone.

Video explanation of the principle of operation of the collectorless motor
Video explanation of the principle of operation of the collectorless motor
9 Авг 2015, 13:13

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Video example of acro flight on the ZMR250 quadcopter

1 Авг 2015, 10:34
Video example of acro flight on the ZMR250 quadcopter

In this video pilot Boris B, who is widely known in FPV 250 Racing Class circles , shows a master class on controlling a mini FPV quadcopter on ZMR250 frame in acro mode.

The video shows the work of the sticks, as well as displays the engine speed and position of the quad.


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