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FPV racing in Chernigov UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 1
FPV racing in Chernigov UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 1
10 Май 2017, 22:40

On May 6-7 in the framework of the first Chernihiv Air Festival at the airfield "Pivtsy" was held the first stage of the Ukrainian drone racing championship UADR CHALLENGE 2017 "Chernihiv Drone Racing Cup", in which the Flymod team directly participated.

Amazon's drone delivery idea
Amazon's drone delivery idea
9 Дек 2015, 21:35

Famous TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson clearly showed the essence of the principle of delivery of goods by drones from Amazon.

FAQ on antenna connectors and connectors for beginners
FAQ on antenna connectors and connectors for beginners
7 Сен 2018, 13:33

FPV hobby cannot be imagined without the use of signal transmitting antennas. Over time, many different types of antennas have been connected to electronic components. Let's analyze the types of connectors and discuss the difference between them.

How the Flymod sQUAD team spends the weekend

20 Май 2021, 13:25
How the Flymod sQUAD team spends the weekend

Flymod sQUAD team spent a weekend in early April flying in an abandoned cultural house in Chernomorki-Lustdorf, formerly the Karl Liebknecht collective farm club. A great place to practice skills with lots of obstacles and structures to fly over!
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