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Video review of QAV210 build by ZBestReview with FlyMod components. FlyMod LiPo battery test
Video review of QAV210 build by ZBestReview with FlyMod components. FlyMod LiPo battery test
24 Фев 2016, 18:15

Build Top FPV Quadcopter QAV210 from !

FPV racing in Kherson UADR Challenge 2018 Stage 1 FABRIKA Rotor Fest
FPV racing in Kherson UADR Challenge 2018 Stage 1 FABRIKA Rotor Fest
9 Май 2018, 11:12

Over the past few years drone racing in Ukraine has quickly grown from small gatherings of enthusiasts to full-fledged championships with prizes and press coverage. At the same time, drone racing continues to gain popularity and develop, attracting more and more

Cool FPV flights in the forest on a 250-class quadcopter
Cool FPV flights in the forest on a 250-class quadcopter
14 Авг 2015, 23:03

One of the most popular videos of 250-class quadcopter racing

How the Flymod sQUAD team spends the weekend

20 Май 2021, 13:25
How the Flymod sQUAD team spends the weekend

Flymod sQUAD team spent a weekend in early April flying in an abandoned cultural house in Chernomorki-Lustdorf, formerly the Karl Liebknecht collective farm club. A great place to practice skills with lots of obstacles and structures to fly over!
YouTube link


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