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Наземна станція   VYRIY   VyriyDroneGround station "VYRIY" VyriyDrone56498 грнNot available
Аппаратура радиоуправления radiomaster tx12 2 4g 16ch радиоаппаратура пульт рад окерування remote transmitter opentx multi-protocol передавачRadioMaster TX12 2.4G 16CH radio control equipment-3%5022 грн - 6895 грнNot available
tbs tango 2 pro fpv rc radio controller team black sheep Аппаратура радиоуправления пультTBS Tango 2 Pro radio control equipment7113 грн - 8787 грнNot available
flysky fs-i6x 10ch 2 4ghz afhds rc transmitter Аппаратура радиоуправления flysky fs-i6x с приемником fs-ia6b передатчик на 10 каналов AFHDS2AFlySky FS-i6X radio control equipment2134 грн - 2511 грнNot available

The radio remote control serves as a transmitter of the radio signal to the quadcopter, which can be used to control the drone. The main manufacturers of radio equipment are FrSky, FlySky, Radiolink, TBS. The section also contains transmitter modules to expand the signal reception range, especially for long-distance flights. Buy with delivery in Ukraine.

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