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CNHL G+Plus 4000mAh 22.2V 6S 70C Lipo XT60/XT90 battery

Price:3 160 uahPrice in USD:75.50
Brand: CNHLSKU 17177
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TheCNHL G+Plus 4000mAh 22.2V 6S 70C is a high-performance 6s Lipo battery from the G+Plus series from the CNHL brand. The battery has a capacity of 4000 mAh and a discharge rate of 70C, which ensures long-lasting performance and reliability in a variety of drones and other unmanned devices.


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Аккумулятор CNHL G Plus 4000mAh 22 2V 6S 70C Lipo XT90Аккумулятор CNHL G Plus 4000mAh 22 2V 6S 70C Lipo XT90Аккумулятор CNHL G Plus 4000mAh 22 2V 6S 70C Lipo XT90

Reviews and discussions

  • makdiuk21 Фев 2024, 19:51
    Виправте опис, фактична вага цієї теки з XT-60 - 622гр.

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