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Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition
Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition
11 Июл 2019, 11:56

Video invitation from Flymod sQUAD to the 4th stage of drone racing

FPV racing in Malaya Viska UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 3
FPV racing in Malaya Viska UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 3
6 Июл 2017, 11:27

Ukrainian Drone Racing Championship UADR CHALLENGE Stage 3 Kropyvnytskyi Drone Racing Cup was held on July 1 within the framework of the air festival "Vysya" in the town of Malaya Viska on the airfield of KLA NAU.

Drone Photo Awards 2020. Best drone photos and videos
Drone Photo Awards 2020. Best drone photos and videos
8 Окт 2020, 17:00

Animals, landscapes, protests and empty streets shot by aerial photographers from hundreds of meters high have been awarded by the judges of the annual Drone Photo Awards 2020. This contest features photo and video works taken with drones...

Small FPV quadcopters on 180 frame are in trend

16 Сен 2015, 23:19
Small FPV quadcopters on 180 frame are in trend

In the last month a new class of mini quadcopters on 180mm frame started gaining popularity. From their obvious advantages, less weight, which gives more speed compared to the 250th big brother. Well as smaller physical size allows you to fly between narrower obstacles or branches. At the same time, this little guy can carry a full fpv system and even an action camera, be it Mobius or GoPro.

It uses propellers from 4 to 5 inches with an attack level of 30 to 45 degrees. Batteries range from 800 to 1000 mAh on the 4S. The motors are almost the same as on the 250 1806-2204 2300KV.

Nice video examples of flying on the 180 carbon frame.

QAV180 frame, DYS 1306-3100kv motors, 18a kiss regulators, 4045 Gemfan props, Lumenier 1300mah 60c 4s battery, naze32 controller.

MXP180 frame, Xhover 1306 3100kv motors, Xhover 12A regulators, 4045 Gemfan props, naze32 controller, Xhover 850MAH 4S 45-90C battery.

Nero 180 Turbocharged frame, Cobra 2204 - 2300kv motors, Kiss 18A regulators, HQprop 4045 bullnose props, 4S 1300mah 65C battery.


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