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Drone Photo Awards 2021. Best drone photos and videos
Drone Photo Awards 2021. Best drone photos and videos
29 Сен 2021, 11:44

The winners of the Drone Photo Awards 2021, the most popular international competition for aerial photography from quadcopters, were announced the other day. For the fourth year in a row, the best images taken by drones were chosen.....

A British man built a homemade multicopter and flew it into the air
A British man built a homemade multicopter and flew it into the air
1 Сен 2015, 23:53

An inventor from the UK has managed to build a super multicopter that was able to lift himself into the air.

The second stage of THE DRONE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE has been completed
The second stage of THE DRONE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE has been completed
24 Ноя 2016, 14:04

On November 18-19 the second stage of THE DRONE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE took place in the unique location Salina Cave in Turda, Romania.

Cool FPV flights in the forest on a 250-class quadcopter

14 Авг 2015, 23:03
Cool FPV flights in the forest on a 250-class quadcopter

One of the most popular videos on the YouTube charts about racing a 250 class quadcopter. Many people started their hobby in FPV 250 with this cool video.

The video is a compilation of flights in the woods by French pilots on mini quadcopters.

Claimed flight data of the model:


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