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Effect of LiPo battery temperature on its resistance
Effect of LiPo battery temperature on its resistance
7 Фев 2018, 14:10

This review explains the effect of low temperature on chemical reactions inside battery cells and resistance performance.

Drones are saving endangered species
Drones are saving endangered species
1 Апр 2019, 13:49

The kakapo or owl parrot is the world's largest and only flightless parrot, found only in New Zealand and its neighboring islands. It was widespread throughout New Zealand before the arrival of colonizers, but by the late 19th century,...

Final of drone racing championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 5 in Odessa
Final of drone racing championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 5 in Odessa
6 Окт 2019, 15:14

The final stage of the Ukrainian Drone Racing Championship UADR Challenge 2019 ended on September 27 in the city of Odessa. 2 days of competition again took place at the stadium "Dynamo". The competition was attended by 26 pilots, 8 teams from 7 cities of Ukraine...

SonicModell AR 900mm flying wing video review.

12 Окт 2019, 15:23
SonicModell AR 900mm flying wing video review.

Flymod's video review of the SonicModell AR 900mm flying wing.

In-store link to the wing: /item/sonicmodell_ar_wing_v2_900

Other products from SonicModell: /shop?brand=sonicmodell

YouTube video link:

Reviewer: Alexey Terenik
Production assistance: Alexander Shemyakov, Evgeniya Kharchenko
Editing: FM.


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