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The best drone photos of 2017 at the International Drone Photography Contest
The best drone photos of 2017 at the International Drone Photography Contest
8 Дек 2017, 18:14

Dronestagram, the first social network dedicated to drone aerial photography, is now in its fourth year of a photo contest in partnership with National Geographic.

Video review of QAV210 build by ZBestReview with FlyMod components. FlyMod LiPo battery test
Video review of QAV210 build by ZBestReview with FlyMod components. FlyMod LiPo battery test
24 Фев 2016, 18:15

Build Top FPV Quadcopter QAV210 from !

8 minutes of beautiful crashes from MR Steele to classical music on a 250 quadcopter
8 minutes of beautiful crashes from MR Steele to classical music on a 250 quadcopter
28 Окт 2015, 20:40

Video compilation of beautiful drops on a 250 size quadcopter by FPV by Mr. Steele

FPV racing in Malaya Viska UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 3

6 Июл 2017, 11:27
FPV racing in Malaya Viska UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 3

Ukrainian Drone Racing Championship UADR CHALLENGE Stage 3 Kropyvnytskyi Drone Racing Cup was held on July 1 within the framework of the air festival "Vysya" in the town of Malaya Viska at the airfield of Kirovograd Flying Academy of the National Aviation University.

The participants of the festival had the opportunity to see the exposition of small aircraft; demonstration flights of airplanes, helicopters, aerobatics, parachute jumps, simulation of air combat; flights of radio-controlled aircraft models, and finally to see the competition of quadrocopters at the third stage of the UADR Drone Racing Cup.

FlyMod Squad arrived in Kropivnitsky (former Kirovograd) with 5 people, we already had breakfast in the canteen of Kirovograd Flying Academy, and later at 7:30 am transfer to Malaya Viska.

The plan of the event was very ambitious. Qualification, main competition and finals were supposed to be held in just one day:

"Saturday, July 1.
.........-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Briefing
09:15-12:15 Qualification
12:15-12:30 Break
12:30-16:00 Race
16:00-16:30 Awarding"

This would leave us plenty of time to get back to Kropivnetsky and have time to see the local sights.

Arriving at the airfield, we saw that this time the course proved to be the most challenging of this competition season. A lot of new interesting elements foreshadowed an unexpected and fierce course of the competition. Moreover, all the pilots were in equal conditions and before the start of qualification none of the pilots could practice and "feel" the unfamiliar track.

Table of qualification groups

In spite of small delays, qualification flights started quite well, the organizers prepared two different systems of serifs, with transponders and by video. But, unfortunately, the weather conditions did not allow the organizers to test both systems properly, as a strong wind blew down the tent under which all the electronics were located, thus disrupting all plans for a normal competition. Both systems were out of order. The organizers, together with the pilots, decided that the qualification time would be determined by the judges using a stopwatch.

But in the end the qualification could not be completed. The squally wind not only disrupted the UADR CHALLENGE Stage 3 Kropyvnytskyi, but also the whole air festival. All demonstration flights of airplanes and helicopters were canceled, and the installed amusement rides became unsafe for the festival visitors. By agreement of all those present, UADR had to urgently cancel the event and go back to Kropivnitskyi.

Most likely, the third stage of the Ukrainian Drone Racing Championship will be held later in another city.

Video from the event will be later.

Photo report

FlyMod Squad goes to Kropivnitsky.

On arrival in Kropivnitsky we met the dawn on the territory of the runway of Kirovograd Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

The Academy is a large student campus, with whole streets and alleys, where student dormitories, canteens, academic buildings, a movie theater, a stadium, an assembly hall, etc. are located.

Some exhibits of the aviators' alley

Waiting for transfer to Malaya Viska town

Arriving at the place of the competition we immediately appreciated the complexity of the track

New unexpected elements

The sweltering summer heat and the hangar for aircraft parking brought back memories of the movie "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

Preparing for qualification

flymod Чемпионат Украины по дрон рейсингу UADR CHALLENGE Stage 3 Kropyvnytskyi Drone Racing Cup

Unusual handmade quadrocopters took part in the competition. How do you like the frame made of pine blocks?

While the preparation of the competition was going on, you could walk around the air festival. We had time to watch parachute jumps and a helicopter demonstration flight

As a side note, the height of the protective fence was more than 4 meters. As practice has shown, this height is optimal for the safety of spectators and pilots. At all competitions organized by UADR the safety net is additionally fenced with a metal fence and a signal tape, so that spectators do not stand close to the net, as in case of a quadrocopter falling into it, the net may sag.

Excursion on the track and the first briefing, the wind has already begun to gain strength

Start of qualification flights

Unfortunately, the FlyMod Squad didn't make it to the qualification flights, the strong wind made it impossible to control the drones properly. The quadrocopter was blown away by the wind, even simple obstacles were flying with difficulty. The violent wind overturned tents, flags, metal fences. Spectators began to leave the festival in a hurry, as even children's attractions could not withstand such a strong element.

The tent is already gone, the screens don't work

There was a series of briefings. At first the organizers and pilots agreed that the route would be simplified, but the wind did not subside, and with every minute it was getting stronger.

Waiting for the decision...

Final briefing and general decision about the end of the competition. Thanks to the organizers for listening to the pilots' opinion.

Despite such a sad ending, the pilots were not discouraged at all and had fun as they could.

The third stage of UADR CHALLENGE Kropyvnytskyi Drone Racing Cup was not officially held.

By lunchtime FlyMod Squad had already returned to Kropyvnytskyi. The historical central part of the city turned out to be cozy and well-maintained.

flymod Чемпионат Украины по дрон рейсингу UADR CHALLENGE Stage 3 Kropyvnytskyi Drone Racing Cup

Despite the fact that Kirovograd was renamed to Kropivnitsky, the old name is painted on the central train station.

See you at the next competitions.


  • Іван Норожнов6 Июл 2017, 19:26
    Круто! Шкода, що погода все зіпсувала, але знов всі повідалися, та як могли чудово провели час. Дякую за цікавий репортаж! В вас класно виходить!
  • wizard6 Июл 2017, 20:32
    ребят у вас ошибка там надо писать экспонаты ,а не экспанаты.
    А так классно написали)
  • robocat437 Июл 2017, 17:15
    А кто-то ещё успел "облетать" девственный центральный парк Кропивницкого... :)
  • tntboda30 Авг 2017, 13:10
    robocat43, Та я его еще весной облетал:D

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