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Flymod/Creation Freestyle FPV Contest 2020 participant videos and results
Flymod/Creation Freestyle FPV Contest 2020 participant videos and results
20 Окт 2020, 21:42

Flymod store, together with frame developers Creation, on September 21 announced the launch of the first online competition for the best freestyle in Ukraine "Flymod/Creation Freestyle Contest 2020"...

Features of connecting Radiolink AT9 radio equipment to USB simulator
Features of connecting Radiolink AT9 radio equipment to USB simulator
23 Дек 2015, 18:32

Description of how to set up the simulator for Radiolink AT9 radio control equipment

FPV drone racing at the UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 4 Championship in Odesa
FPV drone racing at the UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 4 Championship in Odesa
2 Авг 2019, 16:14

On July 27 and 28, under the hot southern sun, a hundred meters from the sea and a few blocks from the historic center of Odessa, at the stadium "Dynamo" pilots from different parts of Ukraine competed...

A new dizzying video from Mr. Steele.

15 Сен 2015, 19:00
A new dizzying video from Mr. Steele.

New video with beautiful, dizzying flight in acro mode from Atlanta-based pilot Mr. Steele. Location: an abandoned, old college building.

Config on which steele flies:


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