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F3U FPV Drone Racing Cup of Ukraine 2016 and ERSA European Cup 2016 on Ibiza Island
F3U FPV Drone Racing Cup of Ukraine 2016 and ERSA European Cup 2016 on Ibiza Island
4 Дек 2018, 13:11

It's hard to imagine that almost 3 years have passed since the Ukrainian FPV community was born, and drone racing went from ordinary backyard flights to serious championships with big sponsors and serious attention of mass media....

New season of FPV championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 1 in Kiev.
New season of FPV championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 1 in Kiev.
15 Май 2019, 15:42

The opening of the new season of the Ukrainian drone racing championship UADR Challenge 2019 took place on May 12 in the extreme park X-Park in Kiev. X-Park is located on Trukhanov Island on the Dnieper River, gathering all possible extreme entertainment...

Amazon's drone delivery idea
Amazon's drone delivery idea
9 Дек 2015, 21:35

Famous TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson clearly showed the essence of the principle of delivery of goods by drones from Amazon.

A new dizzying video from Mr. Steele.

15 Сен 2015, 19:00
A new dizzying video from Mr. Steele.

New video with beautiful, dizzying flight in acro mode from Atlanta-based pilot Mr. Steele. Location: an abandoned, old college building.

Config on which steele flies:


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