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FPV Championship UADR Challenge 2020 in Kharkov
FPV Championship UADR Challenge 2020 in Kharkov
29 Сен 2020, 22:39

The hopes of the Ukrainian FPV community for another bright and multi-stage season of drone racing in 2020 were thwarted by COVID-19 and pandemic, which led to quarantine and cancelation of mass events and festivals...

FPV racing in Chernigov UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 1
FPV racing in Chernigov UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 1
10 Май 2017, 22:40

On May 6-7 in the framework of the first Chernihiv Air Festival at the airfield "Pivtsy" was held the first stage of the Ukrainian drone racing championship UADR CHALLENGE 2017 "Chernihiv Drone Racing Cup", in which the Flymod team directly participated.

Drones are saving endangered species
Drones are saving endangered species
1 Апр 2019, 13:49

The kakapo or owl parrot is the world's largest and only flightless parrot, found only in New Zealand and its neighboring islands. It was widespread throughout New Zealand before the arrival of colonizers, but by the late 19th century,...

A new dizzying video from Mr. Steele.

15 Сен 2015, 19:00
A new dizzying video from Mr. Steele.

New video with beautiful, dizzying flight in acro mode from Atlanta-based pilot Mr. Steele. Location: an abandoned, old college building.

Config on which steele flies:


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