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FPV race in Kiev UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 2
FPV race in Kiev UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 2
28 Май 2017, 22:17

The 2nd stage of UADR CHALLENGE 2017 "Kyiv Drone Racing Cup", held on May 21-22 at the Kyiv VDNKh, coincided perfectly with the second ever Kyiv Maker Faire - a technology festival where inventors from all over Ukraine showed the world their creativity...

Effect of LiPo battery temperature on its resistance
Effect of LiPo battery temperature on its resistance
7 Фев 2018, 14:10

This review explains the effect of low temperature on chemical reactions inside battery cells and resistance performance.

Final FPV races in Kiev UADR Challenge 2018 Stage 4: CHAIKA
Final FPV races in Kiev UADR Challenge 2018 Stage 4: CHAIKA
17 Сен 2018, 13:33

The final 4th stage of the Ukrainian Drone Racing Championship UADR Challenge 2018 was held on August 11-12 again at Chaika airfield in Kiev. During all 4 stages in UADR Challenge 2018 about 70 pilots from all regions of Ukraine took part in the...

FlyMod Squad at Limanskiy Sports Fest in Odessa

28 Окт 2016, 11:22
FlyMod Squad at Limanskiy Sports Fest in Odessa

Near Odessa (Krasnoselka village) on October 15-16 Limanskiy Sports Fest was held, where FPV quadcopter flights were demonstrated. FlyMod also took part in it. It should be noted that in Odessa such event on FPV flights was held for the first time, we hope that it will be the beginning of FPV community development in our city.

Flymod на Limanskiy Sports Fest флаг

Flymod на Limanskiy Sports Fest фестиваль ивент event fpv race гонки трасса участие соревнование ворота полеты fly

Flymod на Limanskiy Sports Fest фестиваль ивент event fpv race гонки трасса участие соревнование ворота полеты fly небо

Flymod на Limanskiy Sports Fest фестиваль ивент event fpv race гонки трасса участие соревнование ворота полеты fly

Flymod на Limanskiy Sports Fest фестиваль ивент event fpv race гонки трасса участие соревнование ворота полеты fly

Flymod на Limanskiy Sports Fest фестиваль ивент event fpv race гонки трасса участие соревнование ворота полеты fly

Flymod на Limanskiy Sports Fest фестиваль ивент event fpv race гонки трасса участие соревнование ворота полеты fly

Text, photo, video editing: Vyacheslav Tregubov


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