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"Ukraine is my Home" FPV pilot showed the tourist beauty of Ukraine
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F3U FPV Drone Racing Cup of Ukraine 2016 and ERSA European Cup 2016 on Ibiza Island

4 Дек 2018, 13:11
F3U FPV Drone Racing Cup of Ukraine 2016 and ERSA European Cup 2016 on Ibiza Island

It is hard to imagine that almost 3 years have passed since the Ukrainian FPV community was born, and drone racing has moved from ordinary backyard flights to serious championships with big sponsors and serious attention of mass media. For the last three years in Ukraine were held about 30 different competitions and events, which were attended by more than 150 pilots from more than a dozen teams, as well as the Ukrainian drone racing team took part in international championships in Spain, USA, South Korea. Drone racing is becoming more and more popularized and is gradually moving towards recognition as a full-fledged sport, but we would like to go back to the roots and remember what were the first competitions in Ukraine.

The cycle of retrospective articles opens the first in the history of Ukrainian drone racing official FAI Ukrainian Championship on F3U models - RC Multi-rotor FPV Racing, which at the same time became a stage of the European Cup ERSA 2016 (Europian Rotor Sports Association). This competition became the starting point in the development of FPV drone racing in Ukraine.

Competition teaser

The Championship was held on June 25, 2016 in Kiev at the Chaika Aerodrome. The total number of pilots who took part in the competition amounted to 27 people from 8 cities of Ukraine:

Full list of participants

The first 6 prize-winners got the opportunity to enter the national team of Ukraine to participate in the final of the international competition ERSA Euro Cup 2016 in Spain on the island of Ibiza.

The winners of F3U FPV Droneracing Cup of Ukraine and accordingly the Representatives of Ukraine in the final of the Euro Cup were:

1. Dzenzel Victor, Kiev - the first champion of Ukraine
2. Lukashchuk Ilya, Rivne
3. Parandiy Vitaliy, Zaporizhzhya
4. Kanivets Georgiy, Kharkov
5. Podakov Maxim, city. Zaporozhye
6. Chichkov Mikhail, Kiev

It should be noted that this is the only competition that was jointly organized by three leading Ukrainian aeromodelling organizations FAI, UADR, Rotor GP. After the competition there was a split and later each organization created its own drone racing championship.

Full broadcast of the competition

Cut from various stages of the race

Final 6 laps of the race [video][/video]

It may seem to some that the pilots' skill is a bit weak and the level of organization of the competition leaves much to be desired, but still it should be remembered that this is 2016 and at that time, this level was quite satisfactory.

Ukrainian media about the championship:

Footage from Hromadske TV

In the news for 25.06 from TRK Ukraine

Photo report from the competition

As the F3U Ukraine 2016 Championship received the official status of the ERSA European Cup stage, it meant that according to the results of the competition, the winners automatically passed to the European Cup Final, which was held in Spain, on the island of Ibiza, in the city of Santa Eulalia Del Rio, from October 6 to 9, 2016.

More than 150 of the best European and world drivers and teams competed in four disciplines:

All 6 Ukrainian pilots accompanied by UADR and Rotor GP organizations went to the island of Ibiza as part of the Ukrainian drone racing team.

Despite the fact that a strong storm affected the course of the competition, because of which individual races and freestyle were not held in full, the team and pilots showed a high level of piloting and technical preparation. The Ukrainian national team did not take prizes, but gained valuable experience of participation in international competitions. It is impossible not to mention the meeting with Rotor Riot team and in general useful exchange of knowledge with pilots from different countries of the world.

The first participation of the Ukrainian national team in international FPV competitions is forever inscribed in the history of Ukrainian drone racing.


  • robocat434 Дек 2018, 23:39
    Всего-то два года прошло...
    А насколько всё изменилось...

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