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FlyMod Squad at Limanskiy Sports Fest in Odessa
FlyMod Squad at Limanskiy Sports Fest in Odessa
28 Окт 2016, 11:22

FlyMod participated in FPV event Limanskiy Sports Fest

FlyMod sQUAD with FPV drones in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
FlyMod sQUAD with FPV drones in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
19 Янв 2021, 11:39

Photo report and new video from FlyMod sQUAD team from Chernobyl Exclusion Zone - maximum atmosphere of Cinematic and FPV freestyle in the abandoned city of Pripyat and its surroundings.

FAQ on power and signal connectors for beginners
FAQ on power and signal connectors for beginners
23 Авг 2018, 00:00

For a person entering the hobby, it is sometimes difficult to understand the variety of connectors and plugs used in quadcopter components. It is important to know what they mean, what they affect, and what they are compatible with....

8 minutes of beautiful crashes from MR Steele to classical music on a 250 quadcopter

28 Окт 2015, 20:40
8 minutes of beautiful crashes from MR Steele to classical music on a 250 quadcopter

Video selection of crashes and beautiful falls on a quadcopter 250 size in FPV flights from the famous pilot Mr. Steele.

8 minutes of interesting video with classical music.


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