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Animals that don't like quadcopters
Animals that don't like quadcopters
22 Авг 2015, 10:51

A review on how it's not uncommon for animals to attack flying quadcopters

Amazon's drone delivery idea
Amazon's drone delivery idea
9 Дек 2015, 21:35

Famous TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson clearly showed the essence of the principle of delivery of goods by drones from Amazon.

Effect of LiPo battery temperature on its resistance
Effect of LiPo battery temperature on its resistance
7 Фев 2018, 14:10

This review explains the effect of low temperature on chemical reactions inside battery cells and resistance performance.

8 minutes of beautiful crashes from MR Steele to classical music on a 250 quadcopter

28 Окт 2015, 20:40
8 minutes of beautiful crashes from MR Steele to classical music on a 250 quadcopter

Video selection of crashes and beautiful falls on a quadcopter 250 size in FPV flights from the famous pilot Mr. Steele.

8 minutes of interesting video with classical music.


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