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Hexacopter interceptors have learned how to autonomously capture a target
Hexacopter interceptors have learned how to autonomously capture a target
14 Окт 2016, 16:15

Airspace (USA) has developed a hunter drone capable of automatically detecting and disarming a smaller drone.

Setting up the Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO 5V, HV, RACE transmitter
Setting up the Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO 5V, HV, RACE transmitter
15 Сен 2016, 00:55

Description of settings of one of the smallest and highest quality transmitters at the moment Team Black Sheep UNIFY PRO, HV, 5V, Race. The device has a number of features that are described in this small manual.

Selection for IDSC 2019 FPV Championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 3 in Oleshki (Kherson)
Selection for IDSC 2019 FPV Championship UADR Challenge 2019 Stage 3 in Oleshki (Kherson)
4 Июл 2019, 18:27

On June 8-9, as a result of the selection and simultaneously 3 stages of drone racing competition UADR Challenge 3 best pilots got the right to represent Ukraine and the opportunity to compete with the best teams of the World...

Video suspension on mini quadcopter 250 class

7 Сен 2015, 21:35
Video suspension on mini quadcopter 250 class

Famous blogger c site made an unusual experiment for a mini quadcopter 250 class, installing on it a full 3-axis suspension and GoPro camera. What came out of it you can see below in the video. The result is quite interesting, when the drone moves quickly and smoothly through the thicket of trees.

zmr250 подвес


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