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Charge/discharge controller, protection board 1S Li-ion TP4056 1A USB Type-C

Price:42 uahPrice in USD:0.99
SKU 16073
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USB Type-C charge/discharge controller for Li-Ion and Li-Polymer batteries with rated charging current of 1.0A and current protection for building POWERBANK portable chargers, etc.

The device is assembled on a specialized TP4056 chip. It is a complete product with linear constant voltage / constant current charging for single cell Li-ion batteries.

Parallel connection of batteries to the charger is possible.

The chip has a charge indication and disconnects the battery itself when the voltage reaches 4.2V. Also on the board there is a current protection of the battery when powered from it through the output of the device. The protection is built on the DW01-P chip (One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection IC).

The following protection modes are applied:
1. Overcharge protection. Exceeds the maximum allowable charge voltage of the battery.
2. Over-discharge protection. Discharging the battery below the minimum allowable voltage.
3. Overcurrent protection. Exceeds the maximum discharge current of the battery.
The battery charge/discharge circuit is automatically restored after the protections are activated.

Indicators: red - charge, green (blue) - battery charged.

The battery is connected to the outputs "B+", "B-". The load is connected to the outputs "OUT+", "OUT-". Input voltage other than USB interface can be supplied to outputs "+" and "-".

It is possible to connect a step-up converter to the device output.


Note: There is no protection against incorrect input and battery connection.


Контроллер заряда разряда  плата защиты 1s li-ion tp4056 1А usb type-cКонтроллер заряда разряда  плата защиты 1s li-ion tp4056 1А usb type-cКонтроллер заряда разряда  плата защиты 1s li-ion tp4056 1А usb type-c

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