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TP5100 charge module for 1S/2S batteries 4.2/8.4V 2A

Price:48 uahPrice in USD:1.10
SKU 17038


The TP5100 charge controller is a module that is designed to charge 1-2 lithium batteries or accumulators. It has a wide input voltage range (5V to 18V) and features overload, short circuit and overheat protection. The TP5100 also has a charging status indicator and can be used to charge the batteries of various devices such as cell phones, laptops, flashlights and other electronic devices. The current charging status is indicated by the built-in dual LED, which changes color depending on the charging status: red - charging in progress, blue - charging completed. When the voltage reaches 4.2V (for Li-Ion) or 8.4V (for two consecutive batteries), charging will automatically stop.




Модуль заряда TP5100 для 1S 2S аккумуляторов 4 2 8 4V 2AМодуль заряда TP5100 для 1S 2S аккумуляторов 4 2 8 4V 2AМодуль заряда TP5100 для 1S 2S аккумуляторов 4 2 8 4V 2A

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