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PDC004 module with static PD-trigger for 9v 12v 15v 20v

Price:63 uahPrice in USD:1.50
SKU 16953
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PDC004 module with static PD trigger for 9/12/15/20 Volts. Compatible with Power Delivery 2.0/3. 0 and Quick Charge 4.0 standards.
It commands the charger or paverbank to turn on a specific output voltage. This trigger can be used to build a variety of portable devices, including power supplies.



Модуль PDC004 Pd23 0 со статичным PD-триггером на 9v 12v 15v 20vМодуль PDC004 Pd23 0 со статичным PD-триггером на 9v 12v 15v 20vМодуль PDC004 Pd23 0 со статичным PD-триггером на 9v 12v 15v 20v

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