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TP5000 3.6/4.2V 1A board charge controller

Price:63 uahPrice in USD:1.50
SKU 16957
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The TP5000 charge controller is used for lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4 3.6V) or lithium ion (Li-Ion 4.2V) batteries. It automatically stops charging when the voltage reaches 4.2V (for Li-Ion) or 3.6V (for LiFePO4). It is also equipped with a built-in dual red-green LED: the red indicator lights up while charging, goes out when fully charged, and the green indicator lights up when charging is complete.


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Контроллер заряда на плате TP5000 3 6 4 2V 1AКонтроллер заряда на плате TP5000 3 6 4 2V 1AКонтроллер заряда на плате TP5000 3 6 4 2V 1AКонтроллер заряда на плате TP5000 3 6 4 2V 1A

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