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SpeedyBee F405 WING flight controller for flying wing

Price:1 859 uahPrice in USD:44.40


SpeedyBee F405 WING is a newly introduced, first flight controller of the SpeedyBee brand for flying wings. A model that is currently one of the most competitive in the budget category, while still having a wide range of features and rich bundling.

The F405 Wing flight stack consists of three separate boards: a power distribution board (PDB), a flight controller board, and a wireless communication board. The package includes various wires, mounting parts, pin connectors, and a detailed manual with helpful wiring diagrams. You will also receive a set of cables for various connections for seamless integration with your flying wing.

The SpeedyBee F405 WING is built on a 168MHz STM32 F405 chipset with 1MB of memory and works with both iNav and Ardupilot, making it versatile and suitable for a variety of aircraft models.
Among other things, the flight stack supports up to 11 PWM outputs for motor and servo control and 6 UART ports for connecting to accessories such as GPS, etc.

This flight stack has several unique features, namely a built-in battery voltage indicator with LEDs, four separate LED ports with built-in driver, and built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features allow the SpeedyBee F405 WING to connect wirelessly to your phone or computer, making it easy to make modifications and important firmware changes in the field.



SpeedyBee F405 WING FC board

SpeedyBee F405 WING PDB board

SpeedyBee F405 WING Wireless board




Контроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаСхема подключения Контроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаСхема подключения Контроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крыла схемаРазмеры Контроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКомплектация Контроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крылаКонтроллер полета SpeedyBee F405 WING для летающего крыла

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