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Mini DC-DC step-up voltage regulator 3.7-5V to 5-12V 3A

Price:80 uahPrice in USD:1.90
SKU 17869
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The compact mini DC-DC step-up voltage regulator is designed for efficient voltage conversion. It supports 3-5V input voltage and provides 5V, 9V or 12V output values with minimal fluctuations. The device delivers up to 5A of current for a 5V output with optimal heat dissipation. With a size of 14×22×4mm and a weight of 2g, the module is ideal for portable devices.




Мікро DC-DC понижувальний регулятор напруги 5V 3A 3 7VМікро DC-DC понижувальний регулятор напруги 5V 3A 3 7V

Reviews and discussions

  • gwindblaid29 Янв 2025, 13:52
    Підкажіть будь ласка, як регулювати вихідну напругу?

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