Openlog Blackbox is a flight recorder, it is a recorder of all flight information that the flight controller knows. It works through a free UART (serial) port and records data to SD card.
Ability to use Blackbox data to fine tune and analyze the behavior of your flying machine.
Reads data from Cleanflight and Betaflight firmware allows you to retrieve important UAV operational data to a memory card, through the appropriate UART port connection.
Data transfer rate and memory card parameters are adjusted in the config.txt file, which is created on first connection.
Удалось подключить к BetaFlight, максимум тянет сохранение данных с частотой 2 KHz на скорости последовательного порта 250000. Если больше - пропускает фреймы. Изначально совсем плохо работало, пришлось перепрошить OpenLog_v3_BlackBox с изменениями в SerialPort.h: Change BUFFERED_TX to 0 and ENABLE_RX_ERROR_CHECKING to 0.
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