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"Ukraine is my Home" FPV pilot showed the tourist beauty of Ukraine
20 Сен 2019, 17:59

Ukrainian FPV pilot Nazariy Doroshkevych published a video business card "My Home is Ukraine" on his YouTube channel. The video went viral in one day and gained tens of thousands of views. The video shows Ukraine from a bird's eye view, the most beautiful...

1000W LED on the drone
1000W LED on the drone
19 Окт 2016, 10:12

A small team of enthusiasts from the USA has created one of the most powerful LED lights in the world. Now they show how their development can be used on a regular drone.

FPV race in Kiev UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 2
FPV race in Kiev UADR Challenge 2017 Stage 2
28 Май 2017, 22:17

The 2nd stage of UADR CHALLENGE 2017 "Kyiv Drone Racing Cup", held on May 21-22 at the Kyiv VDNKh, coincided perfectly with the second ever Kyiv Maker Faire - a technology festival where inventors from all over Ukraine showed the world their creativity...

"Ukraine is my Home" FPV pilot showed the tourist beauty of Ukraine

20 Сен 2019, 17:59

Ukrainian FPV pilot Nazariy Doroshkevych published a video business card "My Home is Ukraine" on his YouTube channel. The video went viral in one day and gained tens of thousands of views. The video shows Ukraine from a bird's eye view, the most beautiful and unusual tourist places and even a video from the Crimean peninsula.

Part of the video was filmed with quadrocopters assembled by FlyMod using the following components:


  • 2904_vk25 Апр 2020, 08:26
    Супер!!! Такую красоту почаще нужно показывать. А к этой красоте да инфраструктуру туристическую... Талантливый фильм и большая работа! Назарию большое спасибо!

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