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Boris B also decided to try his hand at the new fancy class on 180mm minis
Boris B also decided to try his hand at the new fancy class on 180mm minis
12 Окт 2015, 23:27

Famous pilot Boris B gave in to fashion and decided to try himself in the new developmental size of 180mm frames.

Nuances of assembling and configuring copters with a connected current limiter
Nuances of assembling and configuring copters with a connected current limiter
1 Мар 2018, 15:10

The article explains and shows the effect of a connected auxiliary resistance when assembling a quadcopter on the power circuit.

Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition
Flymod sQUAD's Odessa video splash screen in anticipation of UADR Stage 4 competition
11 Июл 2019, 11:56

Video invitation from Flymod sQUAD to the 4th stage of drone racing

FAQ on power and signal connectors for beginners

23 Авг 2018, 00:00
FAQ on power and signal connectors for beginners

A person entering the hobby sometimes finds it difficult to understand the variety of connectors and connectors used in quadcopter components. It is important to know what they mean, what they affect and what they are compatible with. There are also completely different markings, especially in Chinese sellers, which can confuse even experienced pilots. Let's try to understand the varieties and properties of connectors used in FPV-hobby.

Power connectors XT30, XT60, XT90

These connectors are manufactured by AMASS and are designed for high current devices. XT30 are rated for a maximum continuous current of 30A. Correspondingly, XT60 - max. current of 60A and XT90 - max. current of 90A.

Widely used in quadcopter assemblies to connect batteries to power distribution boards. Starting from 4S it is necessary to use connectors XT60, on batteries with a smaller number of cells can be used XT30.

The U marking in the name of XT30U (XT60U, XT90U) connectors denotes an improved version of the connector, in which the manufacturer has given the connector a more rounded shape. In technical terms, the connector parameters remain the same, and the old and new U-type connectors are fully compatible with each other.

The color of the connectors does not imply technical differences.

These connectors have two types - Male and Female. Many stores often make mistakes when using this designation, but the correct marking of XT30, XT60, XT90 connectors is determined by their Banana pins. The correct variants are shown in the picture below:

T-Plug power connectors

The previously popular T-Plug (Deans) connectors for high current devices. They are designed for maximum continuous current up to 70A. There are two types - Male and Female, designated by the type of contacts:

JST RCY power connectors

JST RCY connectors are mainly used on 1-2S batteries with low currents. Two-pin connector with 2.5mm pin spacing. Designed for 3A current and 250V voltage. They are differentiated into Male and Female types. The correct versions are shown in the picture:

JST Connectors

There are many JST connectors, different in size and purpose. After the name of the series, e.g. JST XH, SH, PH , etc., a number is usually indicated - this is the distance between the pins in the connector in millimeters.


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