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Readytosky 3.3GHz VRX video receiver for 16 channels

Price:2 294 uahPrice in USD:54.80
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TheReadytosky 3.3GHz VRX video receiver is a reliable device that allows you to work on non-standard radio frequencies from 3310 to 3495 MHz. It offers a choice of 16 channels divided into two bands: BandA and BandB, which avoids interference. The receiver supports a wide range of supply voltage from 7 to 36 V. It is easy to tune to the desired channel, providing quick connection and frequency change. The high quality video signal guarantees a clear and uninterrupted image during FPV flights.




Channel control: LED (for band A - red, for band B - blue) that will flash from 1 to 8 times to identify the channel.

Package contents


Відеоприймач Readytosky 3 3GHz VRX на 16 каналівВідеоприймач Readytosky 3 3GHz VRX на 16 каналівВідеоприймач Readytosky 3 3GHz VRX на 16 каналівВідеоприймач Readytosky 3 3GHz VRX на 16 каналівВідеоприймач Readytosky 3 3GHz VRX на 16 каналів

Reviews and discussions

  • tolik25 Авг 2024, 17:59
    Підскажіиь як правильно підключити до порта ,по смарт аудіо і рстрамп не працює
  • flewerty25 Авг 2024, 19:45
    tolik, Це відео приймач, тут немає такого.

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