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Skystars F722HD2020 flight stack and KM55 55A mini ESC

Price:3 306 uahPrice in USD:78.99


Skystars F722HD2020 flight stack consisting of a Skystars F722HD 20x20 DJI flight controller and a 4 in 1 Skystars Kramam 55A mini 3-6S LiPo BLHeli_32 speed controller.

On the flight controller are 6 UARTS outputs, barometer, blackbox and a 10V 2A BEC for connecting a Caddx Vista or DJI Air Unit. Also, despite the mini size with a 20x20mm mounting pattern, the stack can handle up to 6S LiPo. The ESC has the latest BLHeli_32 firmware which supports telemetry functions (including RPMS voltage and current).


Specifications FC Skystars F722HD 20x20

Specifications ESC 4 in 1 Skystars Kramam 55A Turbo2020 mini


Полётный стек skystars f722hd2020 и esc km55 55a mini польотний stackПолётный стек skystars f722hd2020 и esc km55 55a mini польотний stackПолётный стек skystars f722hd2020 и esc km55 55a mini польотний stackПолётный стек skystars f722hd2020 и esc km55 55a mini польотний stack

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