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TBS Fusion video receiver with OSD overlay and Crossfire compatibility

Price:5 079 uahPrice in USD:119.50
Brand: TBSSKU 14122


TBS Fusion is afusion of the best ideas in one compact video receiver. Image processing technology from BrainFPV, OSD and UI from Achilles, and components designed and manufactured by TBS.

TBS Fusion offers longer range, better signal in indoor or other critical environments, and maximum compatibility with the TBS Crossfire product line.

By actively merging video streams, the displayed video has less breakdown and greater range, without the color degradation or unsynchronization often experienced at the edges of the received signal. The state-of-the-art OSD engine provides cutting-edge interactivity while reducing the need for OSD on board the quadcopter. TBS Fusion simultaneously raises the bar on receive quality and increases integration with TBS Crossfire and other devices.

The built-in lap timer and spectator modes for freestyle or racing events are an added bonus.

Crossfire Integration

The integration with Crossfire is currently in active development and is still in the alpha stage. In the first phase you will see synchronization of VRx / VTx channel changes and the ability to change any Crossfire device settings via video goggles (Crossfire, Unify Pro/Pro32, compatible flight controllers, etc). A future second phase of development will take interactivity to a whole new level. TBS components are already designed to be compatible with future software updates, so no need to worry about buying a video receiver in the early stages of development.





Видео приемник TBS Fusion с наложением OSD и cовместимостью с CrossfireВидео приемник TBS Fusion с наложением OSD и cовместимостью с CrossfireВидео приемник TBS Fusion с наложением OSD и cовместимостью с CrossfireВидео приемник TBS Fusion с наложением OSD и cовместимостью с CrossfireВидео приемник TBS Fusion с наложением OSD и cовместимостью с Crossfire

Reviews and discussions

  • tntboda24 Сен 2019, 22:29
    Нужно ли делать модификацию линии питания на доминатор в3 для этого приемника ?
  • zbestreview25 Сен 2019, 15:53
    Да. Юзать плату из комплекта приемника
  • Сергей Барановский26 Дек 2020, 12:27
    Когда появится в продаже?
  • Сергей Барановский2 Янв 2021, 23:13
    Планируется ещё?

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