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Matek CRSF to PWM CRSF-PWM-C signal converter for 10 channels

Price:460 uahPrice in USD:10.99
Brand: MatekSKU 16300
Archival goods

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The Matek CRSF-PWM-C 10-channel converter/converter is designed to accept CRSF signal (Crossfire protocol) and allows the connection of 10 PWM devices (e.g. servos, ESC). In addition, the converter has a customizable PWM frequency output, a built-in 90A current sensor and a Failsafe function. The values of the on-board current sensor are included in the CRSF telemetry and sent to the connected transmitter. There are also two UARTs on the board for connecting a receiver and a GPS (NMEA output) which then sends the coordinates along with the Crossfire telemetry. The board does NOT include a 5V BEC, so it is designed to be powered from a 5V source (such as an ESC or external BEC).

Note: the image shows soldered pins, but the converter is shipped soldered out




Recommendations and instructions

Pin designation:


LED indication:

GPS telemetry:

TIM and PWM frequency:

Command Line Mode (CLI mode):

Useful links


Преобразователь сигнала Matek CRSF в PWM CRSF-PWM-С на 10 каналов converter конвертерПреобразователь сигнала Matek CRSF в PWM CRSF-PWM-С на 10 каналов converter конвертерПреобразователь сигнала Matek CRSF в PWM CRSF-PWM-С на 10 каналов converter конвертер схема подключения распиновка wiring

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