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XING 4214 400KV X-CLASS iFlight XING 4214 400KV

Price:2 528 uahPrice in USD:59.4669.95
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iFlight's XING 4214 Xing 4214 collectorless motors are designed to provide power and responsiveness at low RPMs on large X-class quadcopters such as the iX15.

The XING 4214 motors consist of a durable stator, Pacific copper winding, N45SH magnets and EZO bearings. The bell has an anti-slip grooved surface under the propeller, the 6mm steel shaft and M6 hex nut make it easy to install and hold the propellers. The motor has 80cm pre tinned wires and 4mm 30 x 30mm mounting holes. The lightweight motor base with more holes increases cooling and efficiency.



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