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Happymodel EP1 RX / EP2 RX 2.4G ExpressLRS Receiver

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Happymodel EP1 and EP2 2.4G nano receivers are based on ExpressLRS firmware and ESP8285 processor. The receivers have low latency and the ability to update the firmware via WiFi.

The EP1 and EP2 differ in the presence of a built-in antenna. EP1 uses a T-shaped mini antenna with UFL connector, while EP2 has a built-in ceramic antenna on the board for micro assemblies.

Thanks to the SX1280IMLTRT RF module with low latency and high update rate, these receivers are very convenient for FPV racing. Suitable for Tiny Whoop class quadcopters due to its ultra lightweight and nano size.

EP1 RX Features

Accessories EP1 RX

EP2 RX characteristics

Accessories EP2 RX


On the official Happymodel website at the following link you can download the appropriate firmware for your module or receiver.
There are two types of ES24TX firmware: one corresponding to the Happymodel PP RX receiver (program version ID 6cb8152d), and the other corresponding to the Happymodel EP1 and EP2 RX receivers (program version ID aec8ad82). The factory default firmware is aec8ad82, which supports EP1 and EP2 RX receivers.

You can download the firmware from the website and then update the firmware by connecting to the ES24TX Wi-Fi access point, go to "" in your browser (password: expresslrs).

Binding procedure

  1. Apply power to the PP / EP1 / EP2 receiver, wait until the LED on the receiver goes off, immediately turn off the power and then repeat the above steps. When the receiver is turned on for the third time, the LED will start flashing twice, which means that the receiver is entering binding mode
  2. Insert the ES24TX or other DIY 2.4G ELRS TX transmit module into the radio hardware and select External RF mode for the CRSF protocol. Make sure that before doing this, you have downloaded the ELRS.LUA file to the SD card and inserted it into the hardware. You will then be able to find the ELRS menu in the radio systems, enter ELRS and click [Bind]. If the bind was successful, the LED on the receiver will become permanently lit.

LED indication of EP1 / EP2 RX receivers:

Useful links


Приёмник happymodel ep1 rx ep2 rx 2 4g expresslrs приймач reveiver pprxПриёмник happymodel ep1 rx ep2 rx 2 4g expresslrs приймач reveiver pprxПриёмник happymodel ep1 rx ep2 rx 2 4g expresslrs приймач reveiver pprxПриёмник happymodel ep1 rx ep2 rx 2 4g expresslrs приймач reveiver pprxПриёмник happymodel ep1 rx ep2 rx 2 4g expresslrs приймач reveiver pprx

Tags: elrs

Reviews and discussions

  • anubissm5 Сен 2021, 21:59
    Ожидается ли еще подвоз?
    а то больно понравилось вопреки кроссу )
  • it_was8 Сен 2021, 13:25
    anubissm, Да, будут в течении двух недель
  • Дмитрий Колесников16 Дек 2021, 22:17
    Здравствуйте а когда rx 1 будет

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