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FatShark Dominator V3 video goggles for FPV

Price:14 627 uahPrice in USD:349.51
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Fat Shark DominatorV3 is the new and improved third version of the Dominator series of goggles. Compared to the previous version, the Fat Shark Dominator V3 has an improved 720pWVGA screen resolution, HDMI output, integrated mask for more comfortable use, as well as anti-fogging system with cooling cooler. There is also a video recording device (DVR) to help you save all your flights.

Dominator V3 has a modular design for FPV receiver, supports: receivers with frequency 1G3, 2G4, 5G8. You can also add a module that tracks head rotation for camera control (head tracker).




Instructions in English



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Tags: fatshark

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