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Skyzone Cobra X V4 5G/5.8G FPV video helmet with SteadyView receiver

Price:11 210 uahPrice in USD:267.85
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The Skyzone Cobra X V4 video helmet offers the highest possible performance comparable to expensive FPV video goggles!

The Skyzone Cobra X has an integrated 4.1 inch LCD display, with a resolution of 1280 x 720 and the ability to change the aspect ratio to either 4:3 or 16:9. The LCD screen outputs a bright and colorful analog image, allowing the pilot to see more detail during flight. The design uses proprietary lenses rather than Flenel lenses, so the image is free of the distortion and blurring characteristic of Flenel lenses.

The Skyzone Cobra X utilizes the state-of-the-art Skyzone SteadyView 5G/5.8G 48 channel receiver module with RapidMix technology, which is also used in the more expensive Skyzone SKY04X OLED FPV video goggles. The receiver has two modes of operation: Diversity and RapidMix. Diversity is the standard mode in which the receiver selects the best signal from the two antennas, which reduces the possibility of total signal loss. In the case of RapidMix mode, the receiver combines the signal from both antennas, which makes the image more stable and clear in difficult flight conditions. The receiver has a USB Type-C interface for firmware updates.

The Skyzone Cobra X can easily replace the default video receiver with any other receiver, such as those from TBS or ImmersionRC.

The built-in digital video recorder (DVR) allows you to record your flight in a single file up to 30 minutes on a Micro SD card up to 128Gb (class 10). Unlike the S version, the Cobra X uses the modern H264 encoding format to record the video file. With H264 codec is more efficient compression of video files, resulting in less quality loss and smaller file size. In case of sudden power loss during video recording, the recorded file will be corrupted, but the video helmet has a built-in function to restore the last corrupted file. It can be set to automatically start recording when the drone's FPV camera image appears.

Two knurled metal scroll wheels located on the top panel of the video helmet allow you to easily navigate through the extensive OSD settings menu. OSD menu has a wide range of settings and presets: settings for using the video receiver, DVR, video playback, Head Tracker, as well as image quality settings: brightness, saturation, sharpness and others. There are presets for image enhancement: standard, bright, saturated, soft, custom, etc.

The built-in cooler is used not only to prevent display fogging, but also to dissipate heat from the internal components of the video helmet. If you are annoyed by the loud sound of the cooler, you can change its rotation speed in the settings menu.

The video helmet is powered by a single 18650 Li-ion rechargeable battery (not included), which can be easily charged using the USB Type-C interface. You can also power the goggles from an external source, such as a 2-6S LiPo battery.

The Skyzone Cobra X is suitable for those who wear glasses, but the height of the frame should not exceed 30mm.

The video helmet comes with a soft eco-leather mask and with it additional spacers to reduce the light gap and for the bridge of the nose, which can be fixed differently depending on your face type.

On the bottom of the Cobra S are USB-C, DC IN, AV input and HDMI port, Head Tracker port and SD card slot.

Video helmets are usually much larger in size and weight than FPV video goggles, but the Skyzone Cobra X has about the same dimensions as DJI FPV video goggles!






skyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmixskyzone cobra x diversity 5 8ghz fpv goggles Видеошлем для fpv 5 8g с приёмником steadyview видеоочки В деошолом в деоокуляри фпв rapidmix

Reviews and discussions

  • alya31 Май 2021, 14:21
    чм планується нова поставка?
  • freedom_ua_zp26 Апр 2022, 16:09
    Будет ли еще поставка?
  • it_was26 Апр 2022, 16:09
    freedom_ua_zp, Будет скорее всего на следующей неделе.
  • bereg14 Июн 2023, 16:06
    А какие у шлема антенны rhcp или lhcp
  • flewerty14 Июн 2023, 16:11
    bereg, В комплекте линейной поляризации вообще идут. А так какие поставите такие и будут.
  • Andriy Demydov11 Окт 2023, 14:46
    Чи очікується нова поставка?
  • kyrylo11 Окт 2023, 15:50
    Andriy Demydov, Цього тижня буде невелика поставка. Потім вже через 20-25 днів, рекомендую залишити свої дані в полі "Повідомити коли з'явиться"
  • Тарас Дмитренко20 Ноя 2023, 08:02
    Чи можливо замовити відсік під акамулятор 18650 а то тей що в комплекті не працює

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