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SpeedyBee F405 V3 30x30mm flight controller

Price:1 880 uahPrice in USD:44.90


SpeedyBee F405 V3 flight controller with 30x30mm mounting pattern supports Bluetooth connectivity and customization. It has a 4-level LED battery charge indicator. The F405 V3 FC also features a built-in barometer and other useful features.



*Note: BOOT button. Usage options:
[А]. Press and hold the BOOT button and turn on the FC at the same time to force the FC to enter DFU mode, this is for flashing the FC when the firmware has come off.
[Б]. When the PC is powered on and in standby mode, the BOOT button can be used to control the LED strips connected to the LED1-LED4 connectors on the underside. By default, briefly press the BOOT button to switch to LED display mode. Press and hold the BOOT button to toggle between SpeedyBee-LED mode and BF-LED mode. In BF-LED mode, all LED1-LED4 strips will be controlled by Betaflight firmware.


F405 V3 FC

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Контроллер полёта SpeedyBee F405 V3 30x30ммСхема выводов Контроллер полёта SpeedyBee F405 V3 30x30ммСхема подключения Контроллер полёта SpeedyBee F405 V3 30x30ммРазмеры Контроллер полёта SpeedyBee F405 V3 30x30ммКомплект Контроллер полёта SpeedyBee F405 V3 30x30мм

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